daniel bengtsson

ISKGA Advanced Guide / National Trainer


E-mail: daniel@svima.se

Telephone: +46 708 97 96 01

Base of operation: Stockholm

Daniel was born into the kayaking industry through the family business. He was introduced paddling at the age of 3 and worked as an instructor in the family business from the age of 14.

At university he started to play and compete in Canoe Polo both nationally and internationally representing Sweden. His main background is Sea Kayaking but polo, whitewater, surf kayaking, surf ski are all disciplines he enjoys and indulge in.

“Short testimonial – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce congue nibh vitae augue fringilla maximus. Etiam dapibus venenatis orci et convallis. Ut pellentesque, nibh eu gravida iaculis, neque elit mattis elit, et pulvinar ipsum ligula in mauris. Morbi nec risus a lorem finibus pretium et quis sem.

Daniel Bengtsson

Advanced Guide

ISKGA - Advanced Guide/National Trainer
Module Date Trainer/Assessor Tick
Advanced Guide Observation 2015-03-26 Sea Kayaking Cornwall
VHF License 2014-04-02
Coaching BC Lvl 2 Coach, EPP Lvl 4 (Red) Assessor
First Aid 2015-02-15 NARS Beach Lifeguard
Continued Professional Development
First Aid & CPD Log
Module Provided Modules
Advanced Skills
Advanced Planning
Advanced Leadership
Coastal Guide Observation
Coastal Skills
Coastal Observation
Coastal Planning
Coastal Leadership
Incident Management
Sea Survival